11 Top Causes of Hair Loss in Females

It is normal physiology that people have to shed a certain amount of hair from their bodies. If someone is experiencing 150-200 hair fall per day then there is no need to worry about it. If the hair loss ratio exceeds this rate then consult your doctor for appropriate treatment. Hair loss remedy at home is also available. In this article, we will discuss the high causes of hair loss in females.

Men are more prone to hair loss than women but it can affect both genders. There is no one reason behind hair loss but have several reasons. Luckily several types of treatment are available to treat hair loss and prevent people from baldness.

Basic Causes of Hair Loss in Females

  1. After childbirth  

Some women experience a rapid growth rate of hair during pregnancy this is because of the high level of estrogen hormones. These hormones are responsible for the growth of hair on the body, especially on the scalp.

When estrogen level comes down to the normal level after delivery or birth, then hairs resume the normal growth cycle, and all thick and luscious hair that accumulated from the last 9-10 months starts to shed.

Some women experience this shedding for a short term while others experience it for 3-4 months. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium.

Postpartum hair loss is temporary and affected women resume the normal growth of hair sooner.

  • Genetic issues

Generally, we think that hereditary hair loss is only associated with men and women being safe but this is not true actually. Women and men both are prone to hereditary hair loss. But the main difference is that in men hair loss target only the hairline whiles in women it targets the crown of the head noted by the American academy of dermatology.

You can’t control it with a hair loss remedy at home. But there are few over the counter drugs available which can control it up to some extent like minoxidil and finasteride. 

  • Nutritional deficiency

For proper growth of hair, balanced nutrition is required. Hair loss starts when people are facing nutritional deficiencies. This nutrition includes vitamins, proteins, and minerals. If this deficiency remains for a longer time then excessive shedding of hair loss will happen.

For balance nutrition, people should consult dieticians or Doctors for bits of advice

  • Medications

As we know that medicines have side effects. There are several medications that have hair loss side effects. Some of them are given below as an example.

  • Anti-hypertensive drugs e.g Beta-blockers
  • Antidepressants like Zoloft and Prozac
  • Antihyperlipidemic drugs like lopid
  • Anti-platelets drugs or blood thinners drugs like warfarin
  • Birth control medication

Birth control pills have a side effect of hair loss. Women using birth control pills might experience hair loss. Some women also experience hair loss even though they have stopped pills for 2-3 months.

To use birth control pills first check their androgenic index. Pills having a low androgenic index have a low rate of hair loss and vice versa.

American hair loss association recommends that women having genetic hair loss issues should adopt non-hormonal therapy for birth control.

  • Fungal infection

Fungal infection is the leading cause of hair loss worldwide. Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes baldness in the affected area fortunately it’s not permanent baldness but can recover after treatment.

Dandruff is a common cause of hair loss that affect both genders equally. Dandruff attacks dry skin more as compared to oily skin.

Generally, ringworm is healed by itself but it is not healed then use antifungal on the advice of a registered physician

  • Androgenic alopecia

Androgenic alopecia is an alternative term used for male and female pattern baldness. It is the most common cause of hair loss.

Androgenic alopecia is genetic and affects both genders. It generally happens in older ages but sometimes it also occurs in puberty.

In men, androgenic alopecia is common in all ages while in women it mostly occurs after menopause.

But fortunately, it can be treated with medications.

  • Immune disorder

The immune system of the body attacks the hair follicles, along with other parts of the body that cause hair loss.

This type of alopecia is known as alopecia areata.

If a person experiences such a condition then he/ she should consult a doctor immediately for treatment.

  • Chemotherapy

In chemotherapy hair loss is common. Chemotherapeutic drugs not only attack cancer cells but also attack surrounding cells including hair follicles. As a result of this attack, hair starts to shed.

But there is no point to wonder about hair loss because of chemotherapy. Regrowth of hairs occurs after 3-4 months once chemotherapy is stopped.

  1. Anagen effluvium

Anagen is the growth phase of the hair cycle. Huge hair loss occurs in this phase.

In anagen, effluvium head is not only a targeted area but hair fall also occurs from eyelashes and eyebrows.

Causes of anagen effluvium include

  • Radiation
  • Fungal infection
  • Chemotherapy
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Telogen effluvium

Sometimes in a hair growth cycle, hair remains in the telogen (natural shedding) phase. This causes more hair fall.

During this phase, you will see a comb full of hair when you are combing hair. But there is no need to stress it can resolve after some time if not then visit a dermatologist to find out the exact cause of hair loss.

  1. Physical and psychological stress or trauma

Physical and psychological stresses can lead to hair loss. For example, when you are experiencing stress because of a sudden mishap like job loss, death of someone, divorce, break up, etc you might experience hair loss. But there is no need to worry about it because it is temporary hair loss and it will recover very soon.

According to the American society of dermatology, hair regrowth will not be at the same rate. Some hair will regrow quickly while some will take time.

Visit a dermatologist, if this inappropriate growth of hair bothers you.


It is normal physiology that people have to shed a certain amount of hair from their bodies. If someone is experiencing 150-200 hair fall per day then there is no need to worry about it. If the hair loss ratio exceeds this rate then consult your doctor for appropriate treatment.

Men are more prone to hair loss than women but it can affect both genders. There is no one reason behind hair loss but have several reasons.

The main causes of hair loss in women include genetic problems, nutritional issues, medication, fungal infection, physical and psychological stress and depression, age, etc.

But fortunately, various kinds of hair loss home remedies are available.


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