When you become pregnant, you will experience lots of unexpected symptoms but you should not worry about low abdominal pain in pregnancy. When a woman knows that she is pregnant, she becomes so happy and mentally ready for lots of new changes.
Low abdominal pain in pregnancy is very common in all women but the severity of pain varies from woman to woman. When the fetus grows, you will face lots of discomfort throughout the pregnancy. But all these troubles are temporary and no need to be anxious about them.
Pregnancy induces abdominal pain is harmless and finishes without treatment. But in case of severe pain, you can use over-the-counter drugs which are not toxic to the fetus. But it is better to consult a doctor about your abdominal pain. He/she will prescribe an appropriate drug.
This article will explain the most common causes of low abdominal pain in pregnancy.
Low abdominal pain in pregnancy
The following are the most common causes of low abdominal pain in pregnancy.
Trapped gas in the tummy is the common cause of low abdominal pain in pregnancy. Gas is trapped because of the following reasons:
- In pregnancy, hormones slow down the rate of digestion
- Constipation in pregnancy disturbs the balance of the digestive system (pregnancy-related constipation)
- The enlarged uterus put extra pressure on digestive system
If you are experiencing pain due to gas, then eat small meals and try to perform exercises that aid digestion. Avoid those foods which produce gas. Greasy and fried foods are the main cause of gas.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infection is a generalized infection that occurs anywhere in the urinary system. Usually, UTI is treated without any medication but if you experiencing pain and fever then take a short course of antibiotics according to the advice of doctor.
Urinary tract infection is the second most cause of low abdominal pain in pregnancy.
The symptoms of UTI include:
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Pain during urination
- Cloudy or reddish urine
- Foul smell from urine
- The urge for frequent urination
Pregnancy related constipation is the main culprit of lower abdominal pain in pregnancy. Almost ¼ of the women experience constipation at some point during pregnancy.
To treat constipation eat smaller meals, drink lots of water, eat fiber rich foods, increase the intake of iron rich foods and perform an exercise.
If these things do not aid constipation then speak to your doctor. Then your doctor will prescribe appropriate medicine.
Pregnancy growth
You will feel more pain in the lower abdomen and bladder, especially in the second and third trimesters, this is because of pregnancy growth. The large size of the fetus stretches the abdominal muscle and also put pressure on them, which result in pain.
To ease this discomfort lots of belly bands or supportive maternity belts are available. Pregnancy pillows and maternity leggings are also used to ease this discomfort.
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is the type of pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. Usually, an ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tubes.
Ectopic pregnancy is a critical medical condition and it causes severe low abdominal pain in pregnancy. It needs immediate medical care because it is a life threatening condition.
The sign and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include:
- Pain in the lower belly or pelvic region
- Lower back pain
- Bleeding from vagina
- Cramps on one side of the pelvis
The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy can worsen as the egg grows. The following are the symptoms of a rupture fallopian tube.
- Persistent severe pain in the lower belly or pelvic region
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Shoulders pain
- Fainting
In this condition, doctors use some medications and surgical procedures to repair ruptured fallopian tube and solve the problem of ectopic pregnancy.
Round ligament pain
Round ligament is the most prominent pain in pregnancy.
Round ligaments are two rope-like cords made from connective tissues that support the uterus on each side.
These ligaments attach the uterus to the pubic and groin region. The round ligaments stretch as the size of the uterus grows during pregnancy.
A spasm is created as the pregnant woman moves, this spasm produces pain in the abdomen or pelvic region.
The following types of movements trigger round ligament pain in pregnant women.
- Quickly stand up
- Walking
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Rolling over in bed
- Laughing
- Running
- Play game
Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions are a potential cause of low abdominal pain in pregnancy. It prepares the body for delivery.
It is also called false contractions because they do not induce labor while true contractions produce labor. These contractions start one week before the delivery.
Braxton Hicks contractions vary in frequency and duration while real contractions follow a consistent pattern. These contractions aim to make the cervix softer and thinner. All these changes facilitate delivery.
To get rid of these false contractions just change your position or go for a walk.
Preterm labor
Preterm labor means giving birth before week 37 of the pregnancy. Preterm labor also causes pelvic pain.
The factors that cause preterm labor include:
- Hypertension
- Bleeding during pregnancy
- Weak cervix
- Premature rupture of amniotic membranes
When you experience earlier signs of labor, immediately seek medical care because a fetus does not survive outside the mother’s body if born before 23 weeks.
Symptoms of preterm labor include:
- Tummy cramps
- Contractions
- Diarrhea
- Pain in the lower belly
- Persistent lower back pain
- Change in vaginal discharge
It is the kind of hypertension that occurs in pregnancy. Preeclampsia usually occurs after the 20th week of the pregnancy. But some women experience it in early pregnancy or even after birth.
You will experience preeclampsia more if you have a history of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.
The common symptoms of preeclampsia:
- Face and hands swelling
- Severe headaches
- Blur vision or change in vision
- Unusual weight gain
- Pain in the abdomen
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in the upper abdomen
- Nausea or vomiting
Weight gain and swelling are common in a normal pregnancy but sudden weight gain and face and hands swelling are signs of preeclampsia. If you have these symptoms during pregnancy, quickly consult a doctor.
Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, miscarriage occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. About 10-20% of known pregnancies end with a miscarriage.
Symptoms of miscarriage include:
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting
- Lower back pain
- Severe abdominal cramping or pain
- Fluid or tissue discharge from the vagina
If you see such symptoms talk to your healthcare provider. You can maintain your pregnancy upon proper time and treatment.
Treatment for low abdominal pain in pregnancy
Normal lower abdominal pain in pregnancy is treated on its own but you can use paracetamol to ease the pain.
Other causes of low abdominal pain in pregnancy such as preterm labor, ectopic pregnancy, and other infections need medical attention.
Home remedies for lower abdominal pain in pregnancy
Common home remedies that ease low abdominal pain in pregnancy include:
- A heating pad is used to ease the abdominal pain
- Proper rest is the best and cheapest remedy for pain
- Exercise
- Cold compress techniques
- Relaxation techniques
- Abdominal massage
When to see a doctor
If you are pregnant and have the following symptoms, you should speak to your doctor as soon as possible.
- Fever
- Long-lasting pain (pain for more than a few hours)
- UTI symptoms
- Bleeding from vagina
- Severe pain in the abdomen
- Feeling faint
- Headache
It is very common to experience low abdominal pain in pregnancy. Pain and aches are the symptoms and signs of a growing baby. Nearly all women experience low abdominal pain in pregnancy at some point in their lives.
Lower abdominal pain is mild and treated on its own but you can use an over-the-counter drug such as acetaminophen.
Various factors are involved in causing low abdominal pain in pregnancy, such as muscle cramps, UTIs, ectopic pregnancy, gas, preeclampsia, preterm labor, and round ligament pain,
If the pain is severe and continued for a long time, then it indicates a severe condition. So you should consult your family doctor.