What Is Milialar (Milia): Causes, Remedies, Treatment, & Prevention

What is milialar?

Milialar is a common skin condition that is caused by excessive sweating. It is common in hot and humid climates and can affect both men and women. It is most common in infants and young children. Milialar is also known as Miliaria, prickly heat, or sweat rash.

When the sweat glands are blocked and are unable to secrete sweat from the skin, Milialar happens. You can become the victim of milialar by wearing tight-fitting clothes or engaging in strenuous activity that makes you secrete more sweat.

 Malialar is not a communicable disease and usually clears up on its own within a few days. There are other some tips or home remedies that can expedite the healing process of milialar.

 Milialar is the misspelling of Miliaria and other names used for Milialar are:

  • Milia
  • Prickly heat
  • Summer rash
  • Red rash
  • Sweat rash
  • Heat rash
  • White rash

In this article, we will explain the types, causes, risk factors, home remedies, prevention and treatment of Milialar.

Types of miliaria

There are three main types of miliaria:

Miliaria crystallina (milialar crystallina)

Miliaria crystallina, also known as milialar crystalline. It is the most common type of miliaria and is characterized by the appearance of small, clear blisters on the skin. Usually, these blisters are painless and may cause itching upon rapture. Most commonly Miliaria crystallina affects infants and young children, but can also affect adults.

 Milialar rubra (Malaria rubra)

Miliaria rubra, is less common type of Milialar than miliaria crystallina. It is characterized by the appearance of small, red bumps on the skin. Miliaria rubra usually affects adults, but can also affect both infants and young children. These bumps can be itchy and painful when they are raptured.

Milialar profunda (Miliaria profunda)

Milialar profunda, is the rarest type of miliaria and it usually affects people who are involved in strenuous activities such as athletes, farmers or factory workers.  It is characterized by the appearance of deep-seated bumps that are not filled with sweat. It is a painful type of milialar and can lead to infection.

Risk factors for Milialar or Milia

 The most common risk factors of Milialar include:

  • Humid and hot climate: it is the most common risk factor for Milia because in humid and hot climates people secret more sweat.
  • Infancy: in childhood, the sweat glands are not fully developed which increases the risk of milia. 
  • Strenuous activities: Strenuous activity can cause individuals to secret sweat heavily and continuously, which can increase the risk of milialar development.
  • Tight clothing: tight clothes can increase the risk of milia because Tight-fitting clothing traps sweat and blocks sweat glands.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can increase the risk of Milialar such as fever and hyperthyroidism.
  • Medications: Some medications can also increase the risk of miliaria, such as isotretinoin and lithium.

Complications of miliaria

There are no such complications of milia but the rare complications may include:

The complications of miliaria are rare but can include:


when the blisters of milia are scratched and lifted open it leads to infections such as swelling, redness, pain, and other pathogen infections.  

It causes heat exhaustion

People with milialar secrete sweat heavily and may have difficulty staying hydrated and cool, which leads to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion can cause certain symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps and headache.

Heat stroke

It is the most rare complication of milia. Heat stroke is a serious medical condition in which the body temperature rises too high and affects the normal physiology of an individual. Heat stroke can cause symptoms such as confusion, seizures, and coma.

Milialar home remedies

Home remedies are the best therapy for milia and almost all people apply these milia home remedies, such as:

Cool showers or baths

If you want to relieve the itching and discomfort of milialar, take a cool bath or shower. Keep the temperature of bathing water around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. It would be great if you add a few drops of essential oil such as lavender oil or peppermint oil. This oil relieves the itching and inflammation.

 Use cotton and loose-fitting clothing

 Cotton and loose-fitting clothing prevent the sweat from blockage and allow the skin to breathe. Cotton clothing can make the skin dry which helps to reduce the risk of milialar.

Cool sponge compress to the affected area

Apply a cool sponge compress to the affected area. Coolness reduces the itching and inflammation. You can also use a washcloth instead of a sponge. Simply deep washcloth in cool water and apply it to the affected area for 10-20 minutes. You can repeat this process many times a day.

apply powder to absorb sweat

Use powder on the affected area to absorb sweat and keep your skin cool and dry. There are lots of powders that are designed for milialar. You can use this powder several times a day.

learn about Vitamin A for Skin Bumps

Prevention of milialar or miliaria

There are certain tips through which you can prevent miliaria. These tips include;

  • Stay hydrated and cool, especially in humid and hot sessions. This is a great way to prevent miliaria.
  • Wear loose-fitting, cotton clothing. These clothing allow the skin to breathe well and make it dry.
  • Take cool baths or showers daily. This will keep your skin cool and remove sweat.
  • Use a powder on the affected area to absorb sweat and keep your skin cool.  
  • Don’t scratch your rashes because Scratching can damage skin and make the rashes worse.

Treatment of miliaria

Usually, the treatment for milia depends on the severity of the condition and the presence of complications.

Mild milia

For mild milialar self-care measures such as staying cool, taking cool baths or showers, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and using a powder that absorbs sweat are usually sufficient treatments for mild milialar.

Severe Milialar (severe milia)

If the milialar is severe and does not respond to self-care measures, then medical treatment may be given such as:

Topical corticosteroids

These topical corticosteroids reduce the inflammatory process and soothe the symptoms of milia. These topical steroids are available in the form of creams and ointments.

Topical corticosteroids include:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Desoximetasone
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Mometasone
  • Fluocinonide
  • Clobetasol propionate
  • Fluocinonide


If the blisters of miliaria are infected by pathogens then antibiotics may be prescribed to treat milialar.

Oral antihistamines

Oral antihistamines are anti-allergic drugs and These drugs can help to relieve itching and inflammation.

Oral antihistamines include:

  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
  • Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra)
  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  • Clemastine (Tavist)

But in rare cases, hospitalization may be required for those people who have severe milialar or complications such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Symptoms of Milialar

The common symptoms of Milialar or Milia include:

  • Small, clear or red bumps on the skin
  • Prickling sensation
  • Pain (in some cases)
  • Itching
  • Redness of the skin
  • Warmth to the touch
  • Sweat-filled blisters
  • Discomfort
  • Rash on the face, neck, chest, and back
  • Irritability (in infants and young children)


Miliarlar is a common skin condition caused by excessive sweating. It is usually not a serious medical condition and heals on its own within a few days. However, there are some tips and home remedies you can do to help relieve the symptoms milialar. These home remedies for milia include staying cool and hydrated, wearing loose-fitting and cotton clothing, and taking regular cool baths or showers. If your milialar is severe or does not heal on its own, then see your family doctor.

Is miliaria serious?

Miliaria is usually not serious and can heal on its own within 3-6 days. But it can be sometimes uncomfortable and itchy. In rare cases, miliaria can lead to some medical complications such as infection, heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

What is the main cause of milia?

The main cause of milia is the trapping of dead skin cells under the skin. This can happen when the dead skin cells do not shed out properly, or when they are blocked by oil, sweat, or dirt. Certain skin conditions can also cause milia, such as eczema and psoriasis. Some medications can also be the cause of milia such as steroids. 

What is the best medicine for milia?

Best medicine for milia always depends on the individual’s case. Common treatments of milia include the use of over-the-counter anti-allergic drugs or prescription retinoids (Vitamin A), chemical peels, deroofing, and cryotherapy.

What are 2 signs of heat rash?

the main 2 signs of heat rash include:
·         Small, clear, or red bumps on the skin
·         Itching

How long does miliaria rash last?

Miliaria rash usually takes 2-3 days to clear up. But in severe cases, it can take up to 1-2 weeks to go away completely.


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