Benefits Of Psilocybin Mushrooms For Treating Depression

What are psilocybin mushrooms?

Before discussing the benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression, first, we should know what is psilocybin mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms are a unique kind of fungus that contains a psychoactive compound called psilocybin. Psilocybin is a potent substance that can bring changes in perception and cause hallucinations. In ancient times, Psilocybin mushrooms were used for spiritual and religious purposes.

But with the advancement of scientific knowledge, we found that Psilocybin mushrooms are beneficial for treating depression and other mental disorders.

Psilocybin mushrooms inside the brain bind to serotonin receptors and bring changes in mood, thought and perception. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in perception, cognition and mood.

Psilocybin mushrooms are found throughout the world but they are common in temperate regions. Their common habitats include fields, forests and lawns. They are usually small, brown mushrooms with smooth caps.

How do psilocybin mushrooms work?

Psilocybin mushrooms contain a psychoactive substance called psilocybin. This psilocybin is converted to psilocin inside the body. psilocin is a strong agonist of serotonin. Serotonin receptors are wildly distributed in the brain. When psilocin binds to serotonin receptors, it can change the activity of serotonin receptors which leads to changes in mood, perception and thought.

The exact mechanism of psilocybin is not well understood but it is thought that it enhances the activity of certain brain areas such prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. These two regions are involved in memory, learning and mood regulation.

The prefrontal cortex area of the brain is involved in planning, decision making and impulse control. Psilocybin increases the activity of this area which leads to changes in these functions.

The hippocampus part of the brain is involved in memory formation and learning. Psilocybin enhances the activity of the hippocampus, which leads to changes in memory and learning.

The Psilocybin mushroom’s effect depends on the individual, dose and sitting. Some individuals give moderate response to psilocybin such as change in perception and mood while other gives intense response such as hallucination and mystical experiences.

The benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression and other mental health disorders are still under study. But there are some valid researches and evidence that expound the benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression, anxiety and addiction.

If you are about to use Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression or other mental health disorders, it is important to do your own research on Psilocybin mushrooms and also talk to a competent physician.

Note: Psilocybin mushrooms should use under the supervision of a professional healthcare provider.

What is depression?

Depression is a common mental health disorder characterized by consistent sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness, anxiety, confusion and irritability. It affects millions of people every year worldwide.

Depressed people may experience changes in sleep, energy levels, concentration, and appetite.

 Depression can be caused by various factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, life events and unavoidable circumstances.

Depression is not a sign of personal failing or weakness but it is a medical condition that needs treatment.

Benefits of psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression Backed by science

Lots of studies were conducted on the benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression. Some of the famous researches include:

The 2016 study that was published in the Journal Nature Medicine found that patients who did not give response to conventional treatment those patients showed good responses to Psilocybin mushrooms therapy.  After eating Psilocybin mushrooms their depression symptoms dramatically declined. The improvement in the symptoms was sustained after six months of the treatment.

 Another study was performed by Johns Hopkins University on 24 participants. These participants showed resistance to anti-depression therapy. The first dose of Psilocybin mushrooms was given to these participants at the beginning of the study while another dose was given to them 3 weeks later. During the study participants also received psychotherapy.

The participants showed tremendous reduction in their symptoms such as cognition, mood, and daily activities. This also found that Psilocybin mushrooms were well tolerated by the patients and there were no serious side effects Psilocybin mushrooms. The patients told that they have a positive experience with the therapy.

 A 2018 study that was published in the Journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic found that Psilocybin mushrooms therapy potentially reduces the symptoms of depression in cancer patients.

Another study published in the Journal The Lancet Psychiatry in 2020 found that Psilocybin mushrooms treatment were effective in reducing the symptom of depression in patients who showed resistance to conventional antidepressant treatment.

The studies suggest that Psilocybin mushrooms are a promising treatment for depression but more research is required to find out the exact dose and dosage times for Psilocybin mushrooms.  

learn about the health benefits of Mushrooms

What are the potential risks of using psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression?

The common risks and side effects of Psilocybin mushrooms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting: Psilocybin mushrooms can cause nausea and vomiting in certain patients but it can go away on its own.
  • Anxiety and confusion: Psilocybin mushrooms cause anxiety and confusion in those patients who are not familiar with the effects of Psilocybin mushrooms.
  • Psychosis: In some patients, Psilocybin mushrooms can cause psychosis.

Who should not use psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression?

The following people should avoid Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression.

  • History of Psychosis: people should not use Psilocybin mushrooms that have a history of psychosis because Psilocybin mushrooms can trigger a psychotic episode in people who have a psychosis history.
  • Patients: people who are using medicines for the treatment of disease should contact a physician before taking the dose of Psilocybin mushrooms. This is because Psilocybin mushrooms can interact with certain medicines.
  • Pregnant women: Pregnant women should avoid the use of Psilocybin mushrooms because there is not enough data that show whether Psilocybin mushrooms are good for the unborn baby or not.

Note: it is best to consult a Physician before the use of Psilocybin mushrooms.

How to safely use psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression?

If you are about to use Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression then should follow these steps:

Do your own research

It is very crucial to do your own research on the benefit and potential risks of Psilocybin mushrooms for the treatment of depression. There are lots of data available on the internet, and libraries that can help you to learn about Psilocybin mushrooms.

 Consult a registered healthcare provider

Before going the Psilocybin mushrooms therapy it is best to consult healthcare providers. He/she can guide you about the use and potential side effects of Psilocybin mushrooms and will assess you on how to use Psilocybin mushrooms safely.

 Use Psilocybin mushrooms in a safe setting

If you finally decide to use Psilocybin mushrooms then use them in safe sitting. Select a setting where people are supportive and can assess you if you experience negative side effects.

The future of psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression

Modern researches on the benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression are still in its early stages. But there is great hope that Psilocybin mushrooms will be a promising therapy for the treatment of depression.

Lots of clinical trials and studies have shown the efficacy and safety of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression. If more clinical trials and studies become successful like the previous then Psilocybin mushrooms therapy for depression would the standard treatment in the future.

Note: the use of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression is not currently legal in some countries. But healthcare authorities are trying to conduct further studies to legalize Psilocybin mushrooms treatment for depression throughout the world.


Psilocybin mushrooms are a type of fungus that can be used for the treatment of depression.

Psilocybin mushrooms contain a psychoactive compound called psilocybin which acts as a serotonin agonist. In ancient times Psilocybin mushrooms were used for religious and spiritual purposes.

In some part of the world, Psilocybin mushrooms are used to treat depression but in some countries the use of Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal.

Researchers are trying to find out the exact dose and dosage frequency of Psilocybin mushrooms for the treatment of depression.

More research and clinical trials are required to unveil the potential benefits of Psilocybin mushrooms for treating depression.


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