Top 22 Side Effects Of High Blood Sugar: Symptoms & Diabetes Remedies

High blood sugar is a medical condition in which the levels of glucose are too high in the blood. It is known as hyperglycemia. When you eat food, your body converts carbohydrates into glucose which is the immediate source of the body. Glucose is then absorbed from the intestines into bloodstream and transported to all parts of the body where it is used for energy.

 High blood sugar is the main symptom of diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people in the world. It can be dreadful if it is not treated at the proper time.

The body’s cells are unable to use glucose properly in high blood sugar patients. This is because of two reasons, either the pancreas is not producing sufficient insulin or body cells are not responding to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the level of glucose in the blood.

High levels of sugar in the blood for a long time can produce many medical complications such as blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and nerve damage.

In this article, we will explore the side effects of high blood sugar, symptoms of high blood sugar (Diabetes), and treatment and management of diabetes.

Side Effects of High Blood Sugar (Diabetes)

The side effects of high blood sugar can vary from individual to individual. Some individuals may experience mild symptoms, while others may experience moderate or more severe symptoms.

The severity of the symptoms depends on the content of sugar in the blood and the duration of sugar in the blood. An individual will experience severe symptoms if he has high blood sugar for a long time and vice versa.

Some of the most common side effects of high blood sugar include:

Increased thirst: When the body’s cells are not getting enough glucose, they try to get it from other sources, such as the blood. This causes the blood sugar level to rise even higher. The kidneys then try to get rid of the excess glucose by filtering it out of the blood and producing more urine. This is why people with high blood sugar often experience increased thirst.

Frequent urination (Polyuria)

Frequent urination is the main side effect of high blood sugar. In this condition, kidneys produce huge content of urine. You may have seen a diabetic patient who frequently faces this problem.


The second most side effect of high blood sugar is fatigue. Glucose is necessary for the proper function of cells. When there is no sufficient supply of glucose to cells they will not work properly, and this lead to weakness and fatigue. In diabetes, there is excessive excretion of glucose in the urine.

Blurred vision

When the blood sugar level is sustained for a longer period then it can damage blood vessels that supply blood to the retina. Damage to blood vessels leads to blurred vision and in some cases, it can cause blindness. Retina is light sensitive tissue present at the back of the eyes.  

Delay wound healing

Abnormal levels of sugar in the blood can also affect the ability of the body to heal wounds. Slow healing of wounds is a dreadful side effect of high blood sugar (diabetes). Wound healing is fast when there is a proper supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. Moreover, a sufficient amount of glucose is also required for tissue to heal wounds.

High blood sugar level damage blood vessels that supply blood to the tissues and reduce the supply of glucose, thus leading to delayed wound healing.

Unexplained body weight loss

In high blood sugar condition body break muscle tissue for energy. This breakdown of muscle tissue leads to weight loss.

Susceptibility to infections

High blood sugar can also disturb the immune system of the body. This impairment makes the body unable to fight against pathogens. As a result of this high blood sugar patients are prone to infections. In simple words, such types of people easily become the victim of infections.  

 Feet and hands numbness or tingling

High blood sugar can damage the nerves which leads to numbness or tingling in the hands or feet. This damage to the nerve is known as neuropathy.

 Burning or painful sensation in urine

Usually burning and painful sensations in urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). But people with high blood sugar can experience these signs.

Difficulty in breathing

High blood sugar can damage the blood vessels that supply blood to the lungs, which leads to difficulty in breathing.

Fruity breath smell (Ketone)

One of the most common side effects of high blood sugar is a fruity breath smell. It usually occurs when the levels of sugar are uncontrollable. This condition is known as ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is an alarming sign of diabetes.

Long term complications of diabetes (high blood sugar)

The long-term complications of diabetes can be serious and even life-threatening. The common complications of high blood sugar include:

Produce lethal heart diseases

High blood sugar in diabetes produces lethal cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. This is because high sugar levels in the blood damage the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart.

Hyperglycemia expedites the accumulation of fatty deposits in the blood vessels, which reduce the blood supply and sometime block the blood, leading to life threatening conditions.


Stoke is the long term complication of diabetes in which the supply of blood to the brain is interrupted. Stroke permanently damages the brain, and can lead to death or disability.

 Sight impairment

Hyperglycemia in diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy. It is a serious condition in which the blood vessels that supply blood to the retina are damaged, leading to blindness or blur vision.

But proper management of high blood sugar at a proper time can prevent irreversible damage, diabetic retinopathy and blindness.

Kidney failure (Nephropathy)

High blood sugar levels can affect the function of kidneys drastically. High blood sugar damages the filtering unit of the kidneys leading to kidney failure or kidney damage. This condition is known as diabetic nephropathy.

Diabetic nephropathy can be treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant. Proper checkups and managing blood sugar levels can prevent all these complications.

Nerve damage (Neuropathy)

Long term exposure of nerves to high sugar levels can cause nerve damage. This condition is known as neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy can affect nerves throughout the body, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in hands, feet and other parts of the body.

Diabetic neuropathy badly affects the individual lifestyle because an individual may not feel the sensation due to nerve damage and this condition also increase the risk of injuries.

 Foot problems (Amputation)

Diabetic patients are susceptible to foot infections due to reducing the supply of blood and nerve damage. High blood sugar level affects peripheral arteries, leading to poor circulation of blood to the extremities. If diabetic foot injury is not treated at a time then amputation of the foot or leg is performed.

Mental health problems

Diabetes significantly disturbs the mental health of patients. High blood sugar reduces blood supply to the brain and also damages nerves which leads to irritability, mood swings, stress, and even dementia and other cognitive problems.

 Skin infections

High blood sugar produces various kinds of skin complications such as delayed wound healing, dry skin, ulcer and increase risk of skin infections. The common symptoms of diabetic dermopathy are light brown patches and scaly patches. Proper skin care and the use of topical medicines can reduce the symptoms of dermopathy.

Increase the ratio of infections

Hyperglycemia weakens the response of an immune system to pathogens and makes individuals vulnerable to various kinds of diseases such as skin infections, Urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, asthma etc.

The symptoms of these diseases are exacerbated if high blood sugar is not managed properly.

Oral health problems

Hyperglycemia has a huge negative effect on oral health. High levels of sugar in saliva promote the growth of harmful bacteria, which cause tooth decay and gum disease.

 So these are the most common side effects of high blood sugar (diabetes). But don’t worry proper treatment at the proper time can treat that complications.

How to Lower High Blood Sugar (Diabetes Home Remedies)

Here are some effective home remedies through which you can lower your high blood sugar levels.

Eat healthy food

Eating a healthy diet can lower high blood glucose levels because these foods are low in carbohydrates and calories and high in nutrients that are essential for good health.  Some common healthy food includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean protein.

If you are diabetic then you should avoid or limit processed foods, sugary drinks and unhealthy fats because these food raise sugar levels in the blood and increase the risk of complications.

If you are diabetic then follow this simple meal plan:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with nuts and berries.
  • Lunch: Salad with fish or grilled chicken.
  • Dinner: Salmon with roasted vegetables.
  • Snacks: vegetables, fruits, yogurt, nuts etc.

Daily exercise

Exercise reduces blood sugar levels in two ways, first exercise increases the sensitivity of insulin, and 2nd it burns the calories. To lower blood glucose levels you should perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day.

learn exercise benefits

Here are some examples of moderate-intensity exercise:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Domestic physical games
  • Biking
  • Dancing
  • gym
  • Yoga etc

Reduce your stress

Continuing stress can also raise blood glucose levels. So it is important to manage your stress if you have high blood sugar levels. Here are some tips for the management of stress:

  • Perform regular exercise
  • Spend time with friends, relatives or your family
  • Get enough sleep
  • Do not use alcohol and caffeinated food
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga
  • Engage yourself in daily activities
  • Play the game which you like such as cricket, hockey, volleyball, cycling etc.

Walk after meal

Always do short walks after meals, which can lower high blood glucose levels. Walking uses the glucose which is present in the bloodstream after a meal.

A short walk after a meal can help to lower blood sugar levels. Walking helps to use up the glucose that is present in the bloodstream after a meal.

Note: don’t walk immediately after eating the meal. Just wait for 10 minutes and then start a walk.

Eat protein-rich snacks

Protein reduces the high blood sugar level by two mechanisms. First, it reduces the absorption of glucose to the blood and second it creates a fullness effect which can help to prevent the individual from overeating.

Eating of protein-rich snacks can dramatically lower high blood glucose levels. Common protein-rich snacks include hard-boiled eggs, nuts, turkey rollups, hard cheese, tuna, and jerky.

learn about protein rich fruits

Drink sufficient water

The high content of water in the body removes excess glucose from the body and lower high blood glucose levels. More there are many health benefits of water such as it hydrates the body, keeping electrolytes in balance, removing toxic substances from the body and refreshing the skin.

If you have diabetes, then it is necessary for you to drink a sufficient amount of water daily. The normal range of daily water intake is 7-10 glasses per day.

How much water you should drink per day

Keep a record of your sugar level

Always try to keep a log of your blood glucose level which can help you to track your progress and identify the things that contribute to the lowering of your blood sugar level.

This record can help the doctor in writing a treatment plan.

 Regular checkup

Regular checkup is very indispensable in hyperglycemia because the doctor monitors your blood sugar level and make sure that your treatment is working or not. Regular checkup is not only necessary for diabetic patients but for other patients too. Treatment at the right time can bring potential results.

Educate yourself about diabetes

If you know about diabetes then you can easily monitor your blood sugar level. So always try to learn about diabetes. You can learn from the internet, books or support groups.

Now a day’s lots of groups are available on Facebook, Instagram, Quora, and LinkedIn, where people spread knowledge about diabetes.

Take proper medications

If the above tips are not working to lower blood glucose levels then use the prescribed medication. There are several types of medicine are used to control blood sugar levels. Some medications are used to increase the production of insulin while others are used to increase the sensitivity of insulin.

 High blood sugar is a serious medical condition but you can manage it with proper treatment at the right time. If you have a high blood sugar level then follow the entire above home remedies of diabetes to lower the high blood sugar.


High blood sugar (Hyperglycemia) is a pathological condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is high than normal. Various factors are responsible for high blood sugar such as diabetes, stress, medicines, and other ailments.

The symptoms of high blood sugar vary from person to person but the common symptoms of diabetes include blurred vision, fatigue, thirst, and frequent urination.

If high blood sugar is not managed at the proper time then it can lead to various kinds of lethal diseases such as kidney failure, stroke, hypertension, heart disease, blindness, and amputation.


How to reduce blood sugar level immediately?

If you want to reduce your high blood sugar immediately then engage yourself in regular exercise, reduce stress, eat low glycemic foods, avoid carbohydrates drinks and food and sleep at least 7-9 hours per night.

what level of blood sugar is dangerous?

Usually, a dangerous level of high blood sugar is considered to be above 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) after eating (postprandial) or above 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) at any time.
Dangerous Low blood sugar level which is considered to be below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), and it requires immediate medical attention. It is very necessary to monitor blood sugar regularly and seek medical help for any concerning levels.

What causes high blood sugar without diabetes?

High blood sugar without diabetes can be caused by various factors such as stress, pancreatic disorders, insulin resistance, infections, and certain medicines.

What are 5 signs your blood sugar is too high?

What are 5 signs your blood sugar is too high?

Q1. How to reduce blood sugar level immediately

Ans. If you want to reduce your high blood sugar immediately then engage yourself in regular exercise, reduce stress, eat low glycemic foods, avoid carbohydrates drinks and food and sleep at least 7-9 hours per night.

Q2. what level of blood sugar is dangerous?

Usually, a dangerous level of high blood sugar is considered to be above 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) after eating (postprandial) or above 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) at any time.

Dangerous Low blood sugar level which is considered to be below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), and it requires immediate medical attention. It is very necessary to monitor blood sugar regularly and seek medical help for any concerning levels.

Q3. What causes high blood sugar without diabetes  

Ans. High blood sugar without diabetes can be caused by various factors such as stress, pancreatic disorders, insulin resistance, infections, and certain medicines.

Q4. What are 5 signs your blood sugar is too high?

Ans. There is a lot of sign and symptoms of high blood sugar but the major five signs of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are:

  • Polyuria
  • Excessive thirst
  • Slow wounds healing
  • Blurred vision
  • fatigue


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