16 Best Fruits high In Proteins- For Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian

Protein is an important component of the body and plays a key role in various physiological functions.

Whenever you think about proteins, you think about meat, fish, seafood, cheese, eggs, nuts, tofu, vegetables and many more things.

But you ignore fruits. There are certain fruits high in proteins. These fruits will not only add protein to your menu but also other macro and micronutrients that are very important for life.

It’s true that fruits contain proteins but you should not only rely on them if you are vegetarian because fruits contain very less amount of proteins. Along with fruits also include protein rich vegetables in your diet.

According to recommended dietary allowance, a normal man should consume 56 grams of protein per day while woman 46 grams of protein per day. The need for protein depends on the daily activity and goal.

In this article, we discuss the top 16 fruits high in proteins.

Top Fruits high in proteins

The following are the common fruits high in proteins. But you can also eat other fruits that are protein rich.


One cup of jackfruit contains 3 grams of protein.

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit and similar to figs, and its unripe flesh is completely similar to pulled pork.

Besides proteins, it is also a rich source of Vitamin C and A. calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and many other nutrients.


One cup of avocado provides 3 grams of proteins.

Avocado is a good source of fat, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin k, C, and E, folate, and fiber. All these nutrients offer essential health benefits.


One cup of guava delivers 4 grams of protein.

Guava is a tropical fruit and is available all over the world. Besides proteins, it is a rich source of vitamin c, fiber, carbs, iron, zinc, and antioxidants.


One cup of sliced apricot provides 2.4 grams of protein.

You can eat apricot either fresh or dried. The skin of apricot aid digestion and prevent constipation. It contains vitamins A, C and E, potassium, iron, zinc, carbs etc.


One cup of kiwi contains 2 grams of protein.

Kiwi has many health benefits and contains potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron, zinc, niacin and more nutrients.


One cup of blackberries provides 2 grams of protein.

It is a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. It reduces wrinkles when you apply it topically. It is a home remedy for wrinkles. This remedy is not a famous remedy but still, people in villages are using it.


It is not a good source of protein but still, one cup of raspberries delivers 1.5 grams of protein.

You can snack on them alone or add them to salad, yogurt other breakfast food.


One cup of cherries has 1.6 grams of protein.

It is a summer special fruit and a great source of potassium, vitamin C, melatonin, iron, selenium, carbs, fiber etc.


100 grams of seedless raisins contain 3.1 grams of protein.

Raisin is a dried grape and produces throughout the world. People eat them raw or used them in brewing, cooking and baking.

It is a good source of sodium, carb, potassium, vitamin c, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin D, calcium, cobalamin, fiber and magnesium.


One medium sized banana contains 1.3 grams of protein.

100 grams of sliced banana delivers 1.1 grams of protein.

It is the growing fruit in the world. It is a good source of vitamins C, B6, and D, iron, magnesium, fiber, sugar and potassium. In some countries where the growth of bananas is high are used in cooking.


One medium sized grapefruit will give you 1.6 grams of protein.

100 grams of sliced grapefruit provides 0.8 grams of protein.

It is a good source of vitamin c and it prevents kidney stones. It is also used in anti-aging process.


One medium sized organ will give you 1.2 grams of protein.

100 grams of raw sliced orange provides 0.9 grams of protein.

Oranges are citrus fruits and are known for vitamin C. But besides vitamin C they also contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, carbs, and fiber.


One cup of sliced peaches will give you 1.4 grams of protein.

100 grams of peaches contain 0.9 grams of proteins


One cup of cantaloupe contains 1.5 grams of protein.

100 grams of cantaloupe will give you 0.8 grams of protein.


One cup of a sliced apple contains 0.8 grams of protein.

100 grams of apple will give you 0.3 grams of protein.

The doctor advised that use one apple per day because they have innumerable health benefits. It is best to eat an apple in the morning because it enhances the function of the stomach and provides micronutrients that are necessary for daily activities.


One cup of raw grapes will give you 1.1 grams of protein.

100 grams of grapes deliver 0.6 grams of protein.

Grapes are a rich source of vitamin C and many other nutrients such as sodium, fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium, and sugar. 

Recommended daily intake of protein

Recommended daily intake (RDI) of proteins depends on your daily activity and your goal. But for a normal adult, the RDI is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. In simple words on average people need 40-60 grams of protein per day.

Females need 46 grams while males 56 grams of protein per day.

If your goal is to build muscle then you should take a higher amount of proteins per day. Personal trainers always recommend 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight.


Protein is an essential part of the body. To build strong muscles, a proper supply of proteins is required. The main sources of proteins are vegetables, seafood, meat, fruits, beans, mushrooms, and nuts.

Normally people ignore fruits for proteins but there are various fruits high in proteins that you should include in your diet. Fruits that are high in protein are grapefruits, grapes, raisins, kiwifruit, avocado, apple, bananas, peaches, raspberries, blackberries and cantaloupe.

Fruits are not a good source of protein but they are a good option for vegetarians. Vegetarians should eat fruits high in proteins along with protein rich vegetables to fulfill their daily intake of proteins.


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