15 Top Vitamin C Rich Fruits- Vitamin C Deficiency & Benefits

Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin and plays multiple roles in the body. it is dissolved in water and delivered to all parts of the body. it is also called ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C is not stored in the body, so you must take it daily according to recommended daily intake. the Top Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C. Vitamin C supplementations and fortified foods are also available through which you can fulfill vitamin c deficiency.

Vitamin C plays a key role in preventing infections and expedites the process of wound healing. It is a strong antioxidant and fights against free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the main culprit of aging.

Vitamin C makes collagen, which is a fibrous protein in connective tissues that spread throughout the body such as cartilage, bone, blood vessel, the immune system, nervous system etc.

Vitamin C plays important role in the formation of various types of hormones, and neurotransmitters that are used in the brain and nerves.

Recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C for women is 75 mg and for men is 90 mg.

Vitamin C deficiency symptoms are bleeding from gums, scurvy, slow wound healing, anemia, bruising, fatigue, myalgia, increase infection rate etc.

Daily recommended intake of vitamin C

Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) varies from person to person. But for adults daily recommended intake of vitamin C is given below.

  • 75 mg of vitamin C for females
  • 85 mg of vitamin C for pregnant women
  • 120 mg of vitamin C for breastfeeding women
  • 90 mg of vitamin C for males

In this article, we discuss 15 top vitamin C rich fruits

15 top vitamin C rich fruits

The top vitamin c rich fruits include:


It is a native tree of china and besides vitamin C it also contains many other vitamins, minerals and macronutrients.

One lychee contains 7 mg of vitamin C, which is 7.5% of the DV for vitamin C. in simple words, 100 grams of lychee contains 72 mg of vitamin C.


145 grams of papaya contains 88 mg of vitamin C or 98 of the DV for vitamin c.

Papayas have strong anti-inflammatory properties and they also boost the function of the brain.


100 grams of grapes contain 4 mg of vitamin C or 6% of the DV.

There are various varieties of grapes but all of them contain vitamin C. Besides vitamin C it also contains lutein, ellagic acid and beta carotene which are strong antioxidants.


Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C, folate, manganese, magnesium, selenium, potassium and many other nutrients.

166 grams of sliced strawberries deliver 97 mg of vitamin C or 108% of the DV.

Studies suggest that regular intake of strawberries protect your body from various pathogenic attack.

Kakadu plum

Kakadu plum is an extraordinary source of vitamin C. it is an Australian native superfood and contains 100 times more vitamin C than other oranges and citrus fruits.

This fruit is famous for vitamin C. 100 grams of sliced Kakadu plum contain 2907 mg of vitamin C. in simple words one plum (15 grams) delivers 436 mg of vitamin C or 484% of the DV.


100 grams of sliced cherries contain 10 mg of vitamin C or 16% of the DV for Vitamin C.


Blackcurrant is known as cassis or black currant. It is a delicious fruit that belongs to edible berries.

One cup (56 grams) of black currant contains 102 mg of vitamin c, which is 113% of the DV.

100 grams of blackcurrant delivers 181 mg of vitamin c.


The other names of cantaloupe are rockmelon, spanspek or sweet melon. It is a summer fruit and very tasty.

100 grams of cantaloupe contains 36.7 mg of vitamin C or 61% of the DV.


Parsley is used in lots of food varieties for taste purposes. It is a good source of antioxidants, vitamin K and vitamin c.

8 grams of fresh parsley contain 10 mg of vitamin c, which is 11% of the DV.

100 grams of parsley contain 133 mg of vitamin C or 221% of the DV

Chili peppers

There are various types of chili peppers but the content of vitamin C is high in green chili.

100 grams of green chili peppers deliver 143.7 mg of vitamin c, which is 239% of the DV.

One green medium sized chili pepper contains 109 mg of vitamin C or 121% of the DV.

One red chili pepper delivers 65 mg of vitamin c, which is 72% of the DV.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are a fruit of the plants that belong to the species capsicum annuum. Species of capsicum annuum produce various colors of fruits such as yellow, orange, red, green, white, chocolate, purple and candy cane striped.

Yellow color peppers are more loaded with vitamin c. one large yellow pepper contains 342 mg of vitamin c, which is 380% of the DV.

Other colored peppers also contain a huge amount of vitamin C but yellow color pepper is best for vitamin c.


Guava is tropical fruit cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions such as Mexico, and USA.

It is a rich source of antioxidants and has many health benefits.

100 grams of guavas provides 228.3 mg of vitamin C or 380% of the DV.

One medium sized guava contains 125 mg of vitamin C or 138% of the DV.

Barbados cherries

Barbados cherry is called acerola cherry, west indian cherry, Guarani cherry. It is famous for its health benefits.

One cup (49 grams) of acerola cherries contains 825 mg of vitamin c, which is 951% of the DV.

100 grams of acerola cherries deliver 1677.6 mg of vitamin C or 2796% of the DV.

Rose hips

rose hip is also called rosehip, rose hep or rose haw. It is the accessory fruit of various rose plants and contains a huge amount of vitamin c.

100 grams of rose hips contain 426 mg of vitamin C, which is 473% of the DV.


It is also called kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry. It is an edible beery mainly found in china.

One medium kiwifruit contains 56 mg of vitamin C, which is 62% of the DV.

100 grams of kiwi contains 75 mg of vitamin C.

Kiwi boosts your immune system and improves heart health because of its anti-platelets activity.

Deficiency symptoms of vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency is very rare in developed countries because of the availability of top vitamin C rich fruits.

Generally, vitamin c deficiency is not prevalent just like other vitamins. The most common risk factors for the deficiency of vitamin C are smoking, anorexia, and malnutrition.

  • Delay wounds healing
  • Dry skin
  • Weak bones
  • Swollen joint
  • Tooth loss
  • Weak immunity
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Bleeding from gums
  • Spoon shaped fingernails
  • Easy bruising
  • Coil shape hair
Benefits of vitamin C

The most common Vitamin C benefits include:

  • Reduce chronic infections
  • Lower heart diseases
  • Prevent gout by lowering the uric acid level in the body
  • Boost immune system
  • Treat anemia
  • Protect and promote memory
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Reduce wrinkles and the aging process
  • Treat common cold

These are the few benefits of vitamin C.


Vitamin C is called ascorbic acid. It is a water soluble vitamin and is distributed to all parts of the body. The body cannot store vitamin C, so you must obtain it from fruits and vegetables.

The top vitamin c rich fruits are pineapple, kiwi, grapefruits, plum, grapes, orange, lemon, lychee, cantaloupe etc.

Vitamin C plays important role in the body such as lower blood pressure, increases the level of antioxidants, treat anemia, improve immune system, prevent gout attacks and reduce the risk of cancer.


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