How much water drink daily- How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?

To maintain proper health, then water is very essential for a healthy life. As we all know the body is composed of 60% water and any disturbance in water content may affect the physiology of the body.

This question is easy “how much water drink daily” but the answer to this question is very difficult. The reason is that researchers have contradictions over this topic and the need for water intake varies from individual to individual.

There are so many opinions about the intake of water per day.

Health authorities have introduced a rule called the 8×8 rule. According to this rule, every person should drink 2 liters, 8-ounce glasses, or half-gallon water.

This rule is general and some health practitioners are against it because some people have more or less need for water. These practitioners suggest an intermittent intake of water even if they are not thirsty. Because of benefits of water drinking

How much water should drink daily

To answer this question of how much water should drink daily then the content of water depends on

  • Your lifestyle, whether you are active or passive
  • Your geographical location, means you are living in hot or cold weather
  • Your body condition, means you are ill or healthy

If you are leading active life then you should drink more water a day. For example, if you are a runner, cricket player, or any other player then you should drink more water than 2 liters.

People who are living in the cold region should use 2 liters of water per day while those living in hot weather should use more than 2 liters.

The Institute of Medicine recommends about 3 liters of fluids per day for men. For women, they suggest 2 liters of fluids per day. For pregnant women, they suggest 2.3 liters per day.

If you are facing a disease condition like heart failure or kidneys diseases then use water according to the physician’s instructions.

How much water drink daily – by Kids

how much water drink daily by kids depends on

  • their age,
  • weight of the body
  • Their masculinity.
  • Lifestyle active or passive
  • Health status either healthy or not
  • Geographical location and weather conditions

In general teens and children need 1.4-1.8 liters per day which is around about 6-8 cups. It is advised that along with water, fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary for a healthy life.

Recommended water intake includes

  • All drinking water
  • All juices
  • Foods
  • Beverages

One thing should be kept in mind some juices are fluid and it seems as hydrating but it causes dehydration. So caution should be taken while using it. For instance, tea and coffee contain caffeine which is a diuretic and increases the urge to pee (Urination), so it causes dehydration.

Alcohol has water but it increases urination frequency and leads to dehydration.

Special drinks are prepared for sportsmen, which contain high content of water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes. While drinking those drinks first read the attached label carefully because it contains salt and caffeine, which produce health issues. These drinks are prepared to boost the energy level of players.

In the market energy drinks are available which are different from sports drinks. Doctors banned these energy drinks for kids and teens because they have a high dose of caffeine and sugar.

Focus on those foods which have a high content of water like iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon, and celery which are composed of 90% water. They are rich in vitamins and minerals.


To maintain proper health, then water is very essential for a healthy life. Body is composed of 60% water and any disturbance in water content may affect the physiology of the body.

Health authorities have introduced a rule called the 8×8 rule. According to this rule, every person should drink 2 liters, 8-ounce glasses, or half-gallon water

The Institute of Medicine recommends about 3 liters of fluids per day for men. For women, they suggest 2 liters of fluids per day. For pregnant women, they suggest 2.3 liters per day.

In general teens and children need 1.4-1.8 liters per day which is around about 6-8 cups.


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