Calcium is an essential element that keeps your body healthy. Calcium is a mineral which is found in earth and various kinds of foods. It is the 5th abundant element found in the earth crust. About 3% of crust is made from calcium. It is the most important micronutrient that makes your bones and teeth strong.
It also play important role in various body functions like blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, heart health and muscle movement.
Human body is unable to make calcium but it comes from the diet. Fortunately lots of foods high in calcium are available in the world that can fulfill our calcium requirement.
According to the National Institute of Health in the United states, adults aged 19-50 require 1000 mg of calcium per day.
But 40% Americans are not getting daily require intake of calcium. Various factors are involve in the absorption of calcium.
In order to absorb sufficient amount of calcium, then your body need enough amount of vitamin D and Vitamin K. Your body absorb 30% of calcium from the milk and 5% from the spinach.
Generally your body absorb more calcium from the dairy products and fortified foods. Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are a rich source of calcium. But calcium is also present in non dairy products.
Lots of calcium supplementations are also available. The different kind of calcium supplementation include: calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, calcium lactate and calcium gluconate.
In this article we describe 23 foods high in calcium.
Foods High In Calcium
Milk is the richest source of calcium. One cup of cow’s milk conatains about 23% DV of calcium (300 mg).
If you don’t drink enough dairy milk to get sufficient calcium, then use soy and other non dairy milk alternatives which are fortified with calcium.
Soy contains a compound that reduce the absorption of calcium so other milk alternatives such as cashew milk or almond may be a good choice.
2. Cheese
Cheese is a good source of calcium after milk. In 30 grams of Hard cheese like Parmesan and Cheddar have about 240 mg or 18% of DV.
Softer cheese have less calcium content. For example 28 grams of Brie has 52 mg calcium or 4% of the DV.
Calcium which is present in dairy products is more easily absorbed in the body as compared to other sources.
Hard cheese has low lactose content. So it is good option for lactose intolerance people.
Cheese also contains proteins. In one cup of Cottage cheese has 23 grams of protein.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is also good source of calcium. One cup of non fat yogurt contains 34% of the DV for calcium.
One cup 245 grams of plain yogurt contains 23% of the DV for calcium.
Yogurt is also rich source of probiotics. It is a beneficial bacteria that are present in the gut and promote various function of the body such as immune system, hearth health, absorption etc.
Some studies have shown that regular consumption of yogurt dramatically reduce the risk of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.
4. Almonds
One cup of almonds contain 246 mg of calcium. Beside calcium it also contains other important nutrients like fiber, vitamin E, proteins, magnesium etc.
One tablespoon of almond butter provide 5% of the DV for calcium.
1 ounce of almonds round about 23 nuts provide 6% of the DV for calcium.
Regular eating of almonds help in lowering blood pressure, body fat and metabolic related diseases.
5. Tofu
Each half cup of tofu contains 275-861 mg of calcium. The content of calcium in tofu various and depends on the brand and hardness.
Before buying tofu, first read the label and make sure that the tofu contains calcium salt in sufficient amount.
6. Edamame
They are young soybeans and excellent source of calcium. It is sold in closed pod.
One cup round about 155 grams of cooked edamae deliver 8% of the DV for the calcium.
It is also a good source of protein and folate.
7. Figs
One cup or about eight figs have 241 mg of calcium.
In simple words, 40 grams of dried figs deliver 5% of DV for calcium.
Dried figs are a rich source of fiber and antioxidants.
8. Chia Seeds
Two tablespoons of chia seeds provides 180 mg of calcium.
You can also mix chia seeds with smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal. It will increase The DV for calcium.
Chia seeds also contain magnesium, phosphorous, boron and omega-3 fatty acids.
9. Poppy seeds
One tablespoon, about 9 grams of poppy seeds contain 127 mg of calcium or 10% of the DV for calcium.
10. White beans
They are low fat food and rich source of iron, fiber, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
One cup of white beans provides 160 mg of calcium.
11. Sunflower seeds
One cup of sunflower seeds deliver 110 mg of calcium.
Beside calcium sunflower seeds are a rich source of magnesium, copper and vitamin E.
12. Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds contain zinc, copper and calcium. All these minerals are beneficial for bone health.
One tablespoon of sesame seeds provide 89 mg of calcium.
Some studies suggest that regular eating of sesame seeds reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
13. Fortified orange juice
Naturally orange juice does not contain calcium but manufacturer add adequate calcium to them.
This orange juice are also fortified with Vitamin D to enhance the absorption of calcium.
14. Amaranth
One cup of cooked amaranth grain provide 115 mg of calcium or 9% of the DV for calcium.
The cooked leaves of amaranth deliver 21% of The DV for calcium.
Amaranth is an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, folate and vitamin E.
15. Rhubarb
Rhubarb contains calcium, fiber, iron, vitamin k, oxalates prebiotic fiber etc.
One cup of raw Rhubarb contains 105 mg of calcium or 8% of the DV for calcium.
16. Canned fish
Those canned fish who have edible bones are a rich source of calcium. Among the canned fish Sardines has the highest calcium level.
Three ounce of sardines deliver 325 mg of calcium or 25% of the DV.
If you don’t like to eat sardines than salmon is best option for you.
Three ounce of canned salmon with bones deliver 167 mg of calcium or 15% of the DV.
If you are selecting canned fish, first make sure that these fish have bones enclosed or not. Always select fish with bones because bones have high content of calcium.
17. Collard greens
Green vegetable play important role in the health of people lives. Beside calcium they contain huge content of other micronutrients.
1 cup of cooked collard greens has 270 mg of calcium or 21% of the DV.
18. Mustard
One cup of raw mustard contains 66 mg of calcium.
19. Okra
Okra is good source for iron, zinc, fiber and protein.
One cup of raw okra deliver 80 mg of calcium.
20. Sweet potatoes
Potato is rich source of iron, potassium, vitamin c and A, carbohydrate and fiber.
One big potato has 70 mg of calcium.
21. Broccoli
Beside a source of calcium Broccoli has many medicinal effects. It tremendously reduce the risk of cancer.
One cup of chilled broccoli contains 86 mg of calcium.
22. Kale
One cup of chop kale contains 90 mg of calcium.
It is famous for his low calorie value. 100 grams of kale contains 35 calories.
23. Arugula
Arugula contain huge content of water and less calories.
One cup of arugula has 32 mg of calcium. Some studies suggest that it has anticancer properties because erucin compound.
learn about Vitamin C rich food
Recommended daily calcium intake
Calcium daily intake depends on sex and age. Generally old age people, post menopause women and children need more calcium because they absorb less calcium from the food.
As you become older then your body absorb less calcium from the diet comparatively to adults.
There are hormonal changes in postmenopausal women so calcium is sapping from the bones.
According to National Institute of health of United states, the recommended dietary allowances RDAs for calcium are:
- 0-6 months 200mg
- 7-12 months 260 mg
- 1-3 years 700 mg
- 4-8 years 1000 mg
- 9-18 years 1300 mg
- 19-50 years 1000 mg
- 51-70 years women 1200 mg
- 51-70 years men 100 mg
Calcium is an excellent mineral and play important role in bones and muscles health. But many people in the world and not getting enough calcium in their diet.
Calcium is found in various foods. Dairy and its products are the main source of calcium. It is also present in many plant foods such as vegetables, seeds, nuts etc.
Several foods are fortified with calcium and other useful nutrients. Deficiency of calcium leads to various medical complications.