Home Remedies For Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual Cramps Causes And Treatment

what is dysmenorrhea?. Dysmenorrhea is a throbbing or cramping pain in the lower abdomen before or during the period.  Dysmenorrhea …

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16 Best Fruits high In Proteins- For Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian

Protein is an important component of the body and plays a key role in various physiological functions. Whenever you think …

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22 Highest Vegetables Rich In Proteins Both For Vegetarians & non vegetarians

Those vegetables which contain a large number of proteins are called vegetables rich in proteins. Vegetables are not only the …

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15 Top Vitamin C Rich Fruits- Vitamin C Deficiency & Benefits

Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin and plays multiple roles in the body. it is dissolved in water and …

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Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C

Best 20 Foods high in vitamin C Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin and play important role in various …

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Best 20 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux In Pregnancy

Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach moves up into esophagus and causes irritation in the …

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Top 20 Antiaging Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Anti-aging Anti-aging is a treatment or technique to delay, prevent or stop the process of aging. There are many surgical, …

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15 Best Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common medical condition in which the content of the stomach moves back to the esophagus. Home …

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Food To Avoid In Acid Reflux and GERD Diet

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a medical condition in which the content of the stomach moves back to the esophagus. Gastroesophageal …

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Foods that good for acid reflux- Causes And Symptoms of GERD

The backflow of acid from the stomach to the esophagus is called acid reflux. When it happens and does not …

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