Samosas┃Samosas Recipe, Calories & Types

Samosas recipe is very simple and any body can prepare them in home. Samosa is a fried or baked pastry filled with lots of savory ingredients such as spiced onions, potatoes, peas, and sometimes meat and cheese also.

Samosa is a famous snack in south Asia, especially in India, and has won the hearts of millions of people around the globe. In India, it is also known as Singhara.

Samosa is a common street food in India, Pakistan, and many other countries. Samosas are usually served with sauce, chutney, or tea.

Samosas are versatile snacks that can be prepared in different ways, using various cooking and fillings methods.

The history of samosa is linked date back to the 10th century when it is believed that samosas originated from central Asia. Later on, they spread to India and other parts of the world.

 In this article, we will discuss the traditional samosa recipe, Types of Samosas, and samosa calories.

Samosas Recipe

Samosas Recipe


There are two groups of ingredients such as:

Dough ingredients

2 cups =  all-purpose flour

1/3 teaspoon =  salt

1/2 teaspoon = ajwain seeds (optional)

1/4 cup = oil or ghee

Water = as needed

Filling ingredients

2 large potatoes = peeled and diced

Half a cup of peas = frozen

One onion = chopped

1 teaspoon = cumin seeds

1 teaspoon = coriander powder

1/2 teaspoon = turmeric powder

1/2 teaspoon = garam masala

Salt = according to the taste

2 tablespoons = oil or ghee

How to make samosas

Step 1: make a dough

  • First add flour, ajwain seeds, and salt in a mixing bowl.
  • Add oil or ghee and mix it with your fingers until the mixture becomes like breadcrumbs.
  • Add water slowly and knead the dough until it becomes smooth and firm.
  • Now cover the dough with a damp cloth and keep it aside for 30-60 minutes. It depends on the temperature and humidity of the air.

Step 2: make the fillings

Heat oil or ghee in a cooking pan and add cumin seeds. When the cumin seeds start to sizzle then add chopped onion and sauté until the onion color turns golden brown.

Add sliced potatoes, coriander powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, peas, and salt to the pan. Mix all the ingredients well and cover the pan with a lid. Cook the mixture on moderate heat until the potatoes become tender and soft.

Remove the fillings from heat once it is ready and allow it to cool.

Step 3: make a samosa

  • Make equal-sized balls from the dough and roll them out into circles.
  • Cut the circles in half and then make a cone from one half by bringing the two straight edges together and sealing them with water and pressing.
  • Fill the cone with filling ingredients and close the open end by applying little water on the edges and pressing them together.
  • Repeat the process for individual samosas until all the samosas are ready.

Step 4: Frying the samosa

  • Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan on moderate heat
  • When the oil is hot, then add samosa one by one into the oil and fry them until they become crispy and golden brown.
  • Now remove the samosas from the hot oil and place them on an iron mesh or paper towel to remove excess oil.
  • Serve the samosas hot or cold with your favorite sauce, chutney, or tea.

 The traditional samosa recipe is very easy to follow and it requires a few basic ingredients. So, if you are a fan of Indian foods or simply looking for a tasty and satisfying snack, then you should try a samosa.

Types of samosas

Samosas are a very popular snack, and various types of samosas can be found in various parts of the world. Here are some of the most prevalent types of samosas that can be mostly found in South Asia:

Potato Samosas (Alo Samosas)

Potato samosas are very common around the globe and good option snack for vegetarians. Usually, they are filled with cooked spiced potatoes, onions, and peas, and in some regions, carrots are also added.

The filling ingredients are cooked with cumin, turmeric, coriander, and garam masala. These samosas are usually crispy and golden brown.

Potato samosas are served with chutney, sauce, or tea. It is the most common street food in India.

Vegetable Samosa

Vegetable samosas are completely similar to potato samosas but they contain additional vegetables.

The filling includes:

  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • And other vegetables

It is golden brown and crispy in nature. These samosas are triangular and are good options for vegetarians. Generally, they are served as a snack or appetizer.

Chicken Samosas

Chicken samosas are filled with sliced spiced chicken and are very famous in the Middle East and South Asia.

The filling includes:

  • Chicken
  • Onions
  • Spices such as coriander, cumin, and chili pieces

They are triangular in shape, crispy in nature, and golden brown in color.

Beef Samosas

Beef samosas are exactly similar to chicken samosas but they contain beef instead of chicken.

They are very popular in the Middle East and East Africa and are triangular in shape. The filling is the same as chicken samosas except beef is used instead of chicken.

They are served with sauce or chutney.

Cheese Samosas

They are the same as traditional samosas but they are just filled with a mixture of onions, cheese, and different kinds of spices.

The filling is usually made with paneer, which is an Indian type of cheese and is spiced with coriander, chili powder, and cumin.

They are fried until they become golden brown and crispy. They are triangular in shape. They are served with chutney or sauce.

Baked Samosas

Baked samosas are a good option for health-conscious people because they are not baked in oil. They have the same filling as traditional samosas with different kinds of spices.  

These samosas are baked in the oven until they become golden brown and crispy.

The shapes of these samosas can be a triangle or crescent moon. They are a famous appetizer and snack and serve with chutney, sauce, or tea.

Sweet Samosas

This type of samosa is not famous as compared to other forms. these samosas are filled with sweets such as chocolate, nuts, or fruits.

The filling of these samosas varies and depends on the region. For example, in the Middle East, the filling of sweet samosas is composed of a mixture of sugar and coconut.

Usually, these samosas are smaller than traditional samosas and they have a shape like a crescent moon. They have a golden brown color and crispy texture. Sometimes they are dusted with powdered sugar. 

Mini Samosas

Mini samosas are the same as traditional samosas but the only difference is in their size. They are smaller in size than traditional samosas.

The filling of mini samosas are same as traditional samosas but usually, they are filled with vegetables such as potatoes, peas, or cheese.

They are a good option for vegetarians and people are using them at parties and gatherings. They have a triangular shape and golden brown color. They are served with sauce, chutney, or other spicy fluids.

 There are regional variations in samosas such as keema samosas, which are filled with cooked spiced minced meat and some other forms of samosas are filled with seafood, chickpeas, or lentils.

Samosas calories

The number of calories in a samosa can vary depending on the size, filling, type, and method of preparation.

One medium-sized vegetable samosa which is deep fried has around 150-200 calories.

One medium size baked vegetable samosa has around 100-120 calories.

Again you should keep in mind that calories are increasing with size and filling. Always try to eat samosas in moderation because they have a high-calorie content. Baked samosas are generally considered safe for health.

If you are on a journey of weight loss then avoid samosas, because they are unhealthy for overweight and obese individuals.


Samosas are a very famous snack in the world, especially in India and Pakistan. They have lots of types and flavors.

The most common types of samosas are potato samosas, chicken samosas, vegetable samosas, cheese samosas, baked samosas, mini samosas and beef samosas.

The number of calories varies depending on the size and filling of the samosas.

Medium size vegetable samosa has 150-200 calories while medium-sized baked samosa has 100-120 calories.

Baked samosa is generally considered a safe samosa for health-conscious individuals. Always try to eat samosas in moderation because they are not healthy for overweight and obese people.


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